Dalrymple Honey

Dalrymple Honey is created from about 300 hives scattered throughout Steuben County. The honey they sell is all natural, raw and unfiltered.

Terry and Karen’s Dalrymple Honey

Terry and Karen Dalrymple have been a part of the farmers market since its inception. “We love selling our honey but we love the social aspect of the market and meeting so many nice people,” Karen said. Dalrymple Honey is created from about 300 hives scattered throughout Steuben County. The honey they sell is all natural, raw and unfiltered. “It’s good for coughs, allergies, digestion, and even burns,” she said. The Dalrymples also offer blended, flavored and creamed honey. Black raspberry, peach, cinnamon, and lemon flavored honey are popular choices. Karen also creates beeswax candles and homemade rugs. In addition to their honey products, the Dalrymples sell peas, green beans, beets, peppers, rhubarb, and onions in season.

The Angola Farmers Market is not just the place to get fruits and vegetables or your morning coffee. It is where we go to say "hello" to one another...to tell our friends how beautiful their babies are...to see the new dog and comfort a friend who has lost a dog. It is where we go, in my small town, to take care of one another. Every Saturday.


– Lou Ann Homan | Teacher, Writer, Storyteller